By using our website, you agree to comply with the terms and conditions of use which may be changed from time to time without your notice.  

  • The text contents, pictures, images, graphics, logos, design, and other items on this website are properties of Silicon Valley Eldercare.  Copying, distribution, use, reuse, or publication of any part of the Silicon Valley Eldercare website is strictly prohibited.

As an online visitor, you are permitted limited use of the website to:

  • a) access information in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of Use
  • b) use of the website for personal and non-commercial purposes

No digital copy or printed form of any part of the website can be produced by you under all circumstances.

If you do not agree to the Terms and Conditions of Use, you should not use the Silicon Valley Eldercare website.

Information You Provide to Silicon Valley Eldercare

On our online forms, we may collect the following information:

  • Name or name of your client
  • Mailing/delivery address
  • Contact information
  • Email address
  • Telephone number

The information collected will help Silicon Valley Eldercare fulfill the services that are due to you. We also collect information through the website for the following purposes:

  • Internal Record Keeping
  • Client/Customer Feedback to improve services and/or products
  • Promotional emails about our services, special offers, or other information which you may find interesting using the email address that you have provided to us
  • To contact you for market research purposes.

Contact Us 

If you have any concerns or clarifications about this Terms and Conditions, please contact us.